Ugg’s Black Friday

By Admin in Finance


The first part of the strategy was all about getting the natural and paid search channels working together and assisting each other, ensuring the paid channel was able to perform efficiently in a highly competitive marketplace where Cost per Click was high. The second part of the strategy focused around understanding the purchasing behaviour and paths of the existing customer base. Armed with this insight we implemented innovative, personalised search tactics and tools, including Google’s customer match and count down ads, to get them to buy again.


For enterprise organizations around the world, Software Defined Networking (SDN) is transforming the way we build and operate our networking infrastructure. Similar to the way virtualization technology has revolutionized application servers and storage, we are now going through the same evolution on the networking side of the house. The promise of SDN touches on several aspects. Simplicity and speed of rolling out new services across an organization is one. Flexibility and operational efficiencies to reduce cost is another. However one of the most critical aspects of SDN is its implications on security. With the almost weekly news of hackers penetrating critical institutions around the world, this cannot come soon enough. Let’s look at three ways SDN can help organizations secure their networks and keep hackers at bay.


Networks were originally designed to connect devices and users together. However, as more applications and services started to move to IP (think of CCTV cameras, building management systems, telephones, etc.), the need to separate those devices into separate zones became essential. Using one physical converged network makes sense from a cost and management perspective, but SDN would allow us splitting up this network into secure isolated zones. An attacker, whether an external hacker or even a disgruntled employee, will not be able to have access to any network services outside of their allocated zone.

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Ugg’s Black Friday

By Admin in Finance


The first part of the strategy was all about getting the natural and paid search channels working together and assisting each other, ensuring the paid channel was able to perform efficiently in a highly competitive marketplace where Cost per Click was high. The second part of the strategy focused around understanding the purchasing behaviour and paths of the existing customer base. Armed with this insight we implemented innovative, personalised search tactics and tools, including Google’s customer match and count down ads, to get them to buy again.


For enterprise organizations around the world, Software Defined Networking (SDN) is transforming the way we build and operate our networking infrastructure. Similar to the way virtualization technology has revolutionized application servers and storage, we are now going through the same evolution on the networking side of the house. The promise of SDN touches on several aspects. Simplicity and speed of rolling out new services across an organization is one. Flexibility and operational efficiencies to reduce cost is another. However one of the most critical aspects of SDN is its implications on security. With the almost weekly news of hackers penetrating critical institutions around the world, this cannot come soon enough. Let’s look at three ways SDN can help organizations secure their networks and keep hackers at bay.


Networks were originally designed to connect devices and users together. However, as more applications and services started to move to IP (think of CCTV cameras, building management systems, telephones, etc.), the need to separate those devices into separate zones became essential. Using one physical converged network makes sense from a cost and management perspective, but SDN would allow us splitting up this network into secure isolated zones. An attacker, whether an external hacker or even a disgruntled employee, will not be able to have access to any network services outside of their allocated zone.

Latest projects

The first part of the strategy was all about getting the natural and paid search channels working together and assisting each other, ensuring the paid channel was able to perform efficiently in a highly competitive marketplace where Cost per Click was high.

Whatever you think art is, rethink it for a awhile and only then it will truly become an art.Adam Smith

Any enterprise that wants to increase its customer base by sending mobile messages should keep certain basic marketing rules in mind. When it is a startup, knowing such marketing tips becomes all the more important. Today, we reveal 6 most important SMS marketing tips, especially for the startups.


IT security has a big job: keep corporate data safe in the face of motivated hackers and unaware employees. Today that job is harder than ever — employees are bringing their own devices and applications into the office every morning, and walking out the door with corporate data every night.

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